Quick, Reliable, Data-Powered Valuation

Perform valuations in an hour or less and make report iterations in just minutes.
Let us handle the data updates, freeing you from research tasks and reducing error concerns.

Quick, Reliable, Data-Powered Valuation

Perform valuations in an hour or less and make report iterations in just minutes.
Let us handle the data updates, freeing you from research tasks and reducing error concerns.

Input Data

Start by entering financial details about your business into Equidam. Use our Excel inputs file to speed up the process of a full startup valuation.

Adjust Values

Valuation is calculated automatically the moment the data entered is saved. Test different inputs and assumptions in a matter of minutes.

Valuation Report

Once satisfied, generate extensive valuation reports in 20 seconds. The report explains the valuation through detailed insights and numbers, showing you how the final figure was reached.

Input Data

Start by entering financial details about your business into Equidam. Use our Excel inputs file to speed up the process of a full startup valuation.

Adjust Values

Valuation is calculated automatically the moment the data entered is saved. Test different inputs and assumptions in a matter of minutes.

Valuation Report

Once satisfied, generate extensive valuation reports in 20 seconds. The report explains the valuation through detailed insights and numbers, showing you how the final figure was reached.

Provide Clear and Objective Startup Valuations for Informed Financial Decision-Making


VC & Venture Studio

90% of startups fail within their first three years, often due to a lack of market fit or team issues.


Venturerock partnered with Equidam to develop a data-driven valuation flow, enabling a more transparent, objective, and efficient valuation process for startups, which streamlines the investment decision-making process.


  A more sustainable and successful investment strategy.

  Reducing the risks associated with early-stage investing.

  Increasing the likelihood of funding startups that are better aligned with market needs.

GreenTec Capital Partners

Advisor & VC

Investing in African startups that aim to achieve social and environmental impacts alongside financial success.


By leveraging Equidam’s valuation platform, GreenTec applies a consistent, objective approach to assess risks and determine fair valuations for startups, overcoming the heterogeneity and perceived non-transparency in African markets.


Facilitated more strategic investments in impactful companies.

Enhancing African startups scalability.

Contributing to sustainable development across Africa​.


VC & Venture Studio

90% of startups fail within their first three years, often due to a lack of market fit or team issues.


Venturerock partnered with Equidam to develop a data-driven valuation flow, enabling a more transparent, objective, and efficient valuation process for startups, which streamlines the investment decision-making process.


  A more sustainable and successful investment strategy.

  Reducing the risks associated with early-stage investing.

  Increasing the likelihood of funding startups that are better aligned with market needs.

GreenTec Capital


Investing in African startups that aim to achieve social and environmental impacts alongside financial success.


By leveraging Equidam’s valuation platform, GreenTec applies a consistent, objective approach to assess risks and determine fair valuations for startups, overcoming the heterogeneity and perceived non-transparency in African markets.


Facilitated more strategic investments in impactful companies.

Enhancing African startups scalability.

Contributing to sustainable development across Africa​.

Compare Equidam to other Online solutions

140,000 Startup Valuations

In 90 countries across the globe.

You can see the complete list of countries we serve here

Get started now

Let's talk about how to improve your valuation process

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Features Designed for Professionals

Equidam is built in a way to allow seamless usage across all levels of financial knowledge and company stage.

Excel Upload

Build your financial model in Excel and upload it directly to Equidam. We provide formatting tips and a template file to make this even easier.

Add Your Colleagues

Allows you to add your colleagues to the platform, enabling teamwork on the valuation assignment.

Valuation Benchmarks

You can benchmark your valuation against similar companies. See how your projections and valuation compare with the market.

Assisted Financial Projections

For the most technical items to forecast, we provide defaults based on the average performance of companies in the same industry.

Unlimited Valuation Reports

You can adjust the information on the platform and, consequently, the valuation and reports as many times as needed.

Data Update

We update the data every 6 months, ensuring you always have the latest information. This means you can save time and effort on data research.

Customization Of The Report

Personalize with your disclaimer, company colors, and a minimal "Powered by Equidam" tag, aligning the report branding with your own.

30.000 Company Multiples

Equidam gathers revenue and EBITDA multiples of 30K+ listed companies on a weekly basis. You can also add your own multiples and have full control of valuation multiples.

Customization of Parameters

Expert users can adjust the full range of valuation parameters, including discount rate, EBITDA multiple, survival rate, WACC, and more.

Excel Upload

Build your financial model in Excel and upload it directly to Equidam. We provide formatting tips and a template file to make this even easier.

Add Your Colleagues

Allows you to add your colleagues to the platform, enabling teamwork on your company's valuation.

Valuation Benchmarks

You can benchmark your valuation against similar companies. See how your projections and valuation compare with the market.

Assisted Financial Projections

For the most technical items to forecast, we provide defaults based on the average performance of companies in the same industry.

Unlimited Valuation Reports

You can adjust the information on the platform and, consequently, the valuation and reports as many times as needed.

Data Update

We update the data every 6 months, ensuring you always have the latest information. This means you can save time and effort on data research.

Customization Of The Report

Personalize with your disclaimer, company colors, and a minimal "Powered by Equidam" tag, making the report look like your own creation.

30.000 Company Multiples

Equidam gathers revenue and EBITDA multiples of 30K+ listed companies on a weekly basis. You can also add your own multiples and have full control of valuation multiples.

Customization of Parameters

Expert users can adjust the full range of valuation parameters, including discount rate, EBITDA multiple, survival rate, WACC, and more.


Need more answers?

The subscription will be charged monthly or annually, depending on the type of subscription, from the date of registration.

Yes, benchmarks are available for free in the professionals subscription plan.

Professional pricing allows you to work with large volumes of companies plus you can use additional features designed for experts.

We provide support in 90 countries and 136 industries. You can find this information in our data sources page.

Yes, you will receive up to 2 hours training the first time and then if more training is required you will be charged 75€/h.

Additional Tools

Equidam offers a suite of additional tools to enhance your professional valuation experience.

Affiliate link

Connect startups in need of valuation

A simple referral link that can be 
posted anywhere on your website to 
grant your startups a small discount 
on Equidam as well as profit from an 
affiliate fee.

Equidam connect

Enrich your product with startup valuation data

This easy to install API allows platforms and services to integrate startup valuation data directly into their products.

Full API

Provide a fully 
integrated experience

Our API allows third parties to connect directly with our valuation platform, offering all of the same functionality that is available to Equidam users.

Schedule a call

Make it worth it

At Equidam we believe that a fair transaction is just the starting point of a healthy company. True entrepreneurs should make sure efforts and resources are invested in a worthy pursuit for all stakeholders involved, from founders to society as a whole. Valuation, as the combination of potential and risk, is the tool that makes this possible.