85% of Italian Startups Struggle to Break € 100,000 Annual Revenues

The number of Italian startups keeps on growing. According to the official register for innovative…

Crowdfunding Platforms Serve As Information Brokers

In the previous post, we explained how VC funds and crowdfunding platforms can partner up. In this…

Crowdfunding: Information Broker for Early-Stage Venture Capital Funds

In the previous post we analyzed the advantages that associations of Business Angels, namely…

Crowdfunding: Why Business Angel Networks are Inefficient

The Second Generation of Business Angel Networks (BANs) In the previous article I have…

Crowdfunding: Business Angels and the Lack of Suitable Investment Opportunities

Business Angels' Limited Exposure Business Angels (BAs) are the major providers of investment…

Crowdfunding: The Emergence of Online Investing

Online investing is a new trend in venture capital industry that has arisen in recent years. It…

Drivers in Investment-Based Online Crowdfunding

In one of our previous posts, I outlined both the theoretical potential of investment-based…

Investment-based Crowdfunding: Why People do NOT Invest Online

Lots of hyped articles about crowdfunding can be found online. Is everything they describe…

3 Competitive Advantages that set European Startups Apart

This article was originally posted on Medium here. European startups raised $6,9 Bln in the first…

The Rise of Female Entrepreneurs

In some regions - the US and developed Europe - female entrepreneurs have higher levels of…